(514) 333-7460
R.B.Q. #: 1122-9721-55
We carry a variety of products for Montreal homes, used to clean and protect the quality of your indoor air. These include Lennox and Honeywell products which can capture 95% of the particles that pass through, and provide respiratory relief by removing dust, dirt, pollen, animal dander and tar form cigarette smoke. Our heat and energy recovery ventilators create the freshness of the outdoors inside and are beneficial for those who have energy-efficient upgrades. Germicidal lights dramatically reduce the concentrations of microorganisms by using the power of ultraviolet lights. These are installed in your heating and cooling system and work to reduce the contaminants even when the system is not running.
Indoor Air Quality
Pure Air Purification System
Media Air Cleaners
Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV)
Energy Recovery Ventilators(ERV)
Germicidal Lights
Replacement Filters
Healthy Climate
Whole-Home Dehumidifier
Healthy Climate
HEPA Filtration System